Cher client, le tremblement de terre a vraiment été un choc pour tout le pays de Maroc et nous sommes de tout cœur avec toutes les personnes qui ont perdu des proches ou des amis. Heureusement, l'épicentre se trouvait à 80 km de Marrakech, ce qui fait que les dégâts à Marrakech sont très limités.

À l'exception de quelques bâtiments très anciens, il n'y a pratiquement pas eu de dégâts et la vie quotidienne et le tourisme à Marrakech sont tout à fait normaux et ne sont pas perturbés.

Heureusement, nos riads n'ont pas non plus subi de dommages, ce qui nous permet de vous garantir un séjour merveilleux et détendu à Marrakech.
Nous nous réjouissons de votre visite chez nous.

Votre équipe du riad Carina, Diana et Viva

Marrakech the city of southwestern Morocco located in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains is also known by the name of Red City or Al Hamra. Marrakech city offers lots of options of what and where to eat. There are countless restaurants that serve traditional as well as international cuisines.

The food market or Souq el Kheir located close to Qzadria square of Marrakech is one of the most famous food markets of Morocco. Here you can find numbers of food stalls and shops selling attractive cooking pots so that you can make your own food back home. Located close to it is another market that is popular for fruits & vegetables.

Among the wide ranges of dishes, one should try Hahera. It is a kind of soup usually made of meat but nowadays one can also get a vegetarian hahera. Most of the street restaurants located at the main square of Marrakech city serve this delicious dish at night particularly. Moroccan cuisine is popular because of its spicy taste. Most of the dishes are cooked in freshly prepared spices that give altogether a different tasty and spicy flavor.

Among the other dishes the most common yet popular dish of Marrakech is its traditional Moroccan pastry that you will find easily as hundreds of street shops sell all these kinds of pastry.

There are quite popular restaurants available in the city that serves you the traditional Moroccan cuisine along with international cuisines. Among them Jad Mahal, Jacaranda, Lolo Quoi Restaurant, La Creperie de Marrakech, Sabal, Salam Bombay, Dar Moha Restaurant and Soleiman Palace Restaurant are quite famous.